Want to upgrade your home?
New “Save 2025” programme
The new“EXIKONOMO” programme has been launched with many innovations and with great interest from property owners and tenants, which is an excellent opportunity for the energy upgrade of homes.
It is clarified that the programme applies to buildings used as a main residence (detached houses and individual apartments).
Regarding the beneficiaries who will be included in the “ExoEconomy 2025“, covering their own participation with a loan, it is noted that the interest rate of the loan agreement is fixed and subsidized at 100%.
– Applications are due from 8 January to 20 March 2025.
– The maximum eligible budget is 35.000€
– Eligible to participate in the Programme are:
- Natural persons who have a right in rem (full ownership / usufruct / fractional ownership) in an eligible dwelling
- Tenants who lease an eligible dwelling, as evidenced by the existence of a lease with at least seven (7) years remaining on the lease at the time of application to the program.
- In case there are several beneficiaries of rights in rem (co-owners) in an eligible residence: if the main use of the residence under application is by one of the co-owners, only the co-owner who owns the residence is eligible to participate in the Programme.
- If the main use of the residence under application is for another person who is not a co-owner (rental/free concession), any of the co-owners with a right of full ownership/ usufruct in rem (not freehold) is entitled to participate in the Programme.
energy objective of the programme
– The minimum energy target to be achieved is a mandatory upgrade of at least three (3) energy classification categories, compared to the classification in the A’ PEA, in order to ensure primary energy savings of more than 30%.
– The maximum eligible budget of interventions with 24% VAT per Beneficiary’s application (for a detached house/individual apartment) cannot exceed:
1) the product of 1,20 € multiplied by the total estimated annual primary energy savings (kWh) as calculated from the A’ Energy Performance Certificate,
2) 35.000 € for a detached house/individual apartment.
Therefore, the eligible budget in an application will be the lower of the above two limits.
What the Energy Efficiency 2025 programme subsidises
Which homes are considered eligible
– In order to be considered eligible, a dwelling must meet the following general conditions:
– It is legally existing.
– It has not been declared demolishable
– It is used as a main residence.
– It is classified under the First Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) in a category lower or equal to C.
What is the rate of grant?
For individual income up to 5000,00€ or family income up to 10000,00€ grant rate 95%
For individual income over 5000,00€ or family income over 10000,00€.
How can I participate in the programme
Any individual wishing to participate in the Programme must first check whether their home can be considered “eligible”.
It is then addressed to an energy inspector for the issuance of the first Energy Performance Certificate and for the completion of the Intervention Proposal Form (registered electronically).
The applicant, after gathering the required supporting documents, submits electronically, in cooperation with the Energy Inspector who issued the PEP, the application in the information system of the official web portal of the Programme during the application period.
which energy class my property is in
The energy category will be derived from the energy inspection and will be recorded in the Energy Performance Certificate issued by the Energy Inspector. Generally speaking, however, houses with inadequate thermal insulation are very energy-intensive and, unless they have been radically renovated, will most likely be in a category less than or at most equal to C.
conditions for online application to the Programme
To make the application the applicant must:
– Have passwords for the TAXISnet application. It is not possible for natural persons who are not certified via the above application and do not have access codes to the application.
– In case there are pending legalization/regularization issues on the property, the submission of a declaration for inclusion in the law for the regularization of unauthorized constructions must have been made before the submission of the application to the Program.
– Have completed filing and clearing of tax returns for the 2023 tax year.
– If there are several beneficiaries of rights in rem in the property, the consent of the joint tenants must be secured and the electricity supply number must be correctly entered in their E9 declaration.
– In the case of recent acquisition of property (first acquisition of a lien on the property after 31/12/2023), the data must have been entered/modified in the E9 and then the person concerned can proceed with the application.
the supporting documents required for the submission of the application
1. Building Permit and/or other equivalent/additional legal document.
2. Energy Performance Certificate (A’ EPC).
3. Lease agreement (in case of application by the tenant).
4. For foreign tax residents:
α) Certificate of Tax Residence (CERTIFICATE OF TAX RESIDENCE)
b) A tax return for the reference year, submitted in the country of tax residence.
Officially translated into Greek by a competent authority.
5. For non-tax return filers, a Declaration in accordance with Annex VII.
6. For recent acquisition of property (after 31.12.2023) submit:
α) The title deeds.
b)The transcription certificate from the competent land registry or the certificate of registration in the cadastral records of the relevant Land Registry Office.
7. For families with a disabled member, the “Disability Certification Result Certificate” issued by the Disability Certification Centre or a document issued by a disability certification/diagnosis health committee or other competent authority, which by law continues to exercise its powers, is submitted.
8. In the case of families with three (3) dependent children, a Certificate of Family Status issued in the last month must be submitted.
Traps to Watch Out For
– Preparation of Supporting Documents: Make sure that all documents are correct and up to date.
– Cooperation with Professionals: Working with a qualified engineer is critical to a successful application.
– Building Legality Check: Any outstanding issues must be resolved before the application can be submitted.
– The programme includes evaluation stages with specific criteria. Each stage of the programme has specific deadlines.
If you want to know more call us now at 23210 37107 and ask us anything you need. For continuous updates follow us on Social media.